About Me

I'm assuming people who will read this blog know who I am, but you know what they say about assuming...So a quick introduction might be in order and explanation of why I'm blogging in the first place.

I'm a 52 year old woman who, along with my husband, decided to sell our home and hit the road in our newly purchased pop-up camper.

Seeing America has been a dream of ours since the beginning of our marriage 27 years ago.  A variety of circumstances have this being the right time to follow that dream; death of loved ones, downsizing my position at work, kids choosing to live beyond Waterbury, VT, we have our health, and we just don't want to spend another cold, snowy, winter in Vermont.  The last couple of years have taught us that life is too short to wait to do the things that you dream of doing.  So many people work for that someday and aren't able to enjoy it for one reason or another and we just didn't want to be in that same position....So off we go for the next six months to tour America.

This is a blog about my experiences on the road.  Of course my experiences will cross paths with my husband's but it is a conscience choice to journal from my standpoint only.  In fact, names have been changed to protect the innocent :)

A couple of names to note:

  • Wilson - My travelling companion
  • Alex - The name of our camper, derived from it's model name Aliner Expedition
  • Carrie - The name of our Dodge Caravan (Caravan carrying our stuff = Carrie)
    • FYI - October 2nd is National Name Your Vehicle day which we heard on the radio while travelling so we felt inclined to name the van at that time.  Of course it hasn't stuck in the same way as Alex has for me, so I may not refer to her by name very often.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Patty... July 7th is Patty Day!!!!

