Based on our son's recommendation we had to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of we did. The museum was interesting but for me it was a bit of a sensory overload. I could have easily spent at least two days reading everything, instead I focused on the general sense of everything and the various outfits that were worn by the musicians. I did spend some time with Elvis, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Dick Clark, and U2 to name a few...Rolling Stone Magazine is celebrating it's 50th year and there was a whole floor dedicated to that. I was never a big reader of the magazine but after being there it made me want to run out and buy a copy, of course I didn't :)
Rolling Stone Display - Covers & Costume worn by Steve Martin on one of his covers - I love Steve Martin, he's so darn talented...Not a big fan of his stand up stuff, but most everything else...yup, very talented! Yup, I even made the cover, go figure :)
Elvis Jimi Hendrix Jimi's Guitars
We also took a stroll through Johnny Cash's touring bus which was parked outside...amazing that they could travel in such close quarters and at the time it was probably considered state of the art...I can't remember exactly how much he paid to have the bus retrofitted but it was a lot.
Wilson left there and felt as if he saw his life pass his eyes. Music has been a much more important aspect to his life than mine and as he went through the various displays they brought up memories of his life that he associated with the time period and the artists.
While in Cleveland we decided to take in a baseball game as well. We walked down to the Cleveland Indian's stadium from the Hall of Fame. The Indians lost but we didn't happen to stay and watch them do it...we left around the 6th inning as it was over an hour to get back home and it had been a long day.
Check it out - Terry Francona, Mgr. of the Cleveland Indians Formerly, Mgr. of the Boston Red Sox |
Cleveland seems to be a really nice, manageable city. Wilson and I both agreed on this as did our son while he was here.