Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Blogging & Backtracking

Blogging is new to me and as often happens when I try to journal I first have to play catch up before being able to write in real time (I'll also need Internet access which I'm finding requires more planning than I anticipated).

The plan is to blog about my travelling companion, let's call him Wilson, and my adventures as we crisscross the country for the next six months.  Our goal is to see and experience America's history, beauty, and attractions without the constraints of a set schedule or plan.  Of course this doesn't mean that we haven't planned some stops, but as a general rule we're "winging it".

With that in mind, I really should have chronicled the process to get our house ready for sale as it was at that time that I really began believing this trip would happen.  Having gone through two major renovations in the 26 years that we've owned the house, I can honestly say that preparing for sale has been one of the most difficult things that we have had to do.  Not only were we wrestling with our own feelings about giving up our home I was also going through a similar process with the home that I grew up in as that too was being sold.

Back to our house....besides the stress of leaving our home, we also had to go through all of our stuff and decide what to keep, give away, sell, or trash.  We tried really hard to keep only that which we could carry but in the end we did need to store some things with family and friends.  As for the work to be done on the house we had very different ideas of what needed to be done in order to put it on the market.  In the end everything worked out o.k and we found a wonderful couple who have fallen in love with our home and will take very good care of it moving forward.  Having found them, it helped make the transition a little easier.


  1. Is Castaway one of your favorite movies? Or are you traveling with a volleyball? Just curious.

  2. Sorry, I didn't recognize the reference until today. I'm thinking more like Home Improvement - keep an eye out for any photos with Wilson and if you know the show you'll understand.
