Thursday, October 13, 2016

On The Road Again

Monday - Thursday, October 10-13, 2016
I just can't wait to get on the road many songs in my head, of course I only know a few of the words so, lucky for you I won't recite any more:)

It's been a lovely time in Philadelphia, as it always is.  We've spent a lot of time here recently and it really feels like a second home.  So much like home that I feel as if our adventure hasn't quite started. Yes we've had a little taste, but I believe that after we leave here it will truly sink in.

I'm currently on hold with Vermont Health Connect.  I watched the time and pressed dial as soon as it hit 8:00 am.  Dealing with insurance is a royal pain in the butt.  I explained the reason for my call and they put me on hold, I'm assuming to confer with others.  The people are always nice, but I don't have much confidence in them, mostly because they don't sound confident themselves.  50 minutes and counting...

Not only am I dealing with this, I have to deal with trying to get out of jury duty, since I'm not in VT. I just want to be away and not think of any of it...urgh..

Enough venting.  Once I'm done here Wilson and I will be getting ready to head to Shenandoah National Park in VA.  While there we will be doing a variety of day trips, including following a civil war trail and visiting Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home.  I'm especially excited about that. Hopefully I will be able to report in real time.  I may have to find a Starbucks so that I can stay on top of this....really, I've just discovered their new chili mocha latte....yummy!

I'm off the phone....only 1 hr. and 7 mins

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