Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Border Field State Park - Beach Day

Monday, December 20, 2016

Wilson loves to beach and he found Border Field State Park here in San Diego.  Gabriela, Wilson, and I drove to the park, which literally borders Mexico.  We walked a little over a mile in and was treated to a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean.  There are a lot of stables in this area and we encountered a trail ride group of about 25 horses and people on our way to the beach. The water was cold, but that was ok as we weren't there to swim.  Check out Mexico & the fence below:



  1. Sounds beautiful and look at that fence..Wow!

  2. Wow is right. Was that a fence or concrete blocks? Seems like the world drops off on the other side. Beautiful yet eery or out of place. I am now addicted to your travels so keep reporting.

    Any plans to go to Kentucky or Tennessee eventually? They are on my short list.
