Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy or is it Merry Kwanzaa?!!  No matter what holiday you celebrate I wish you Joy, Health, and Happiness!

Wilson and I are still here in San Diego with our daughter.  There is a ham in the oven along with scalloped potatoes and I find I have a few moments to add a holiday wish to you.  My daughter is proving to be just as elusive as her father and chooses not to have her photo added to this blog.  I will honor her request, but let's face it, I'm a proud mother and would very much like to plaster her beautiful face all over this post :)

Although this journey is something that I have looked forward to doing for many years, it is days like this that I feel a bit torn about being on the road.  I'm happy to be here with my daughter but I do miss my son and my sisters & brother-in-laws.  There have been times where I haven't been with both my children at Christmas, but that decision was based on what was going on in their lives vs. choices that I've made.  It is also the first Christmas where we are celebrating without our house....I'm not regretting it, but I'm missing the tradition of it all.  We watched White Christmas last night and ate a delicious variety of appetizers, which is traditional for us....Our son is celebrating with his aunt in Maine and I couldn't help but wonder if any of our traditions were being upheld there...of course I can't expect that they are, but I'm only hoping that the last 25 years of tradition are not lost or forgotten because we no longer have a home base.  I know my sister-in-law is making it special and I'm so happy that they are celebrating together.....I just miss having him here with us.

Enough of all of that....Happy Holidays to all!!!!

Gabriela's Advent Tree, still decorated from last year!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Border Field State Park - Beach Day

Monday, December 20, 2016

Wilson loves to beach and he found Border Field State Park here in San Diego.  Gabriela, Wilson, and I drove to the park, which literally borders Mexico.  We walked a little over a mile in and was treated to a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean.  There are a lot of stables in this area and we encountered a trail ride group of about 25 horses and people on our way to the beach. The water was cold, but that was ok as we weren't there to swim.  Check out Mexico & the fence below:


Welcome to San Diego - It's like coming home

Saturday, December 17, 2016

On to San Diego where we will spend Christmas with Gabriela.  Being with her is like a homecoming for me.  We're not sure how long we will be here, but probably until the 27th or 28th.  I've been in contact with a neighborhood friend of mine from home who lives outside of LA now and hope to connect with him.  Coincidentally his mother will be visiting him at the time we're thinking of visiting, which is doubly nice.

Gabriela is house/kitty sitting so we are staying with her at the house.  It's a lovely house in the Mission Hills area of the city.

Our trip here was relatively uneventful.  A couple of thoughts and/or notes of interest (or not):

  • Time Change Mountain Time to Pacific Time apparently happens at the border of Arizona and California on I8
  • When going into CA be prepared to get rid of all outside produce and firewood.  Wilson was aware of the produce thing so we made sure we cooked and ate all of our produce before leaving Tucson
  • We were at sea level at about exit/mile marker 101 - Plaster City, CA
  • We went from sea level to over 4,000 feet above sea level during a relatively short period of time.  In fact the road had several stop areas with water for people's radiators...apparently cars can and do overheat going up the mountain
  • While driving we passed a large solar field as well as a field filled with a lot of wind turbines.  The turbines were visible from quite a distance.  They weren't spinning at all, it was sort of eerie I referenced the feeling that we were driving in the Land of Giants, Silent Giants.  I imagine that when they are moving that it causes a lot of noise.  I know that a lot of people have issue with wind power because of noise and hazards to birds and I'm sure other things....that may be true, but I believe there is a beauty to them.
  • Drivers in the San Diego region don't have the same consideration as drivers in other areas that we have been in.  There is a very short merging area entering roads and they do not move over to let you in.  They do like to honk at you though when you force your way in :)  Really not much you can do because there are people behind you...stopping on the ramp is not really an option.
Leave Tucson, AZ - 9:25 am
Rte. 10W►8W
Gas - Yuma, AZ exit 3 - Love's (Love's is a great convenience stop - they cater to truckers offering a wide variety of stuff beyond the traditional convenience store) $2.05/gal
Arrive San Diego 4:30 pm
Miles Traveled 414.2

Welcome to Tucson

Wednesday - Saturday, December 14-17, 2016

An uneventful evening at Walmart.  We woke up early and decided to treat ourselves to breakfast next door at IHOP.  We walk in at 8:00 am to a totally empty restaurant, a bit disconcerting, but we were there...breakfast was fine...we left and we were still the only ones there.

Another day of driving.  The biggest travel news on this day is that I had to pee so bad I thought that I would never make it to an exit with facilities....We did stop in Wilcox, off exit 344, but if you are ever in the same position do not get off that exit, rather go until the next one...It took too long to get to a bathroom.....I'm sure you're wondering - and the answer is yes, I made it in time :)

We spent several days with Wilson's niece Amy and her four boys; Justin, Ryan, Gage, and Mason...A lot of testosterone in that home :) - We enjoyed our visit very much - reconnecting with the boys and playing the game Sorry.  I was dubbed "She" and apparently team yellow was a bit intimidating to the boys, as they seemed to gang up on me.


Leave Deming, NM 9:20 am
Rte. 10W
Gas - Wilcox, AZ - Shell $2.29/gal
Arrive Tucson 2:24 pm (1/2 hour earlier actually as we were early meeting Amy)
Miles Traveled - 2:37 pm

Walmart Camping - Deming, NM

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

We're heading to Tucson to visit Wilson's niece and her family, but it will take two days to get there from Big Bend, so.....another camping night at Walmart.

We tried to break up the trip to two drive days, which means another night at Walmart.  We left Big Bend on the west side of the park.  It was about 80 miles before we came across a town of substance, meaning gas, restaurants, etc.

At 3:01 pm we entered the Mountain Time Zone on the I10 west of Van Horn.

We stopped at the Walmart in Deming, NM, where we were greeted with a security person who helped guide us to the "camping" spots....we were with probably about 9 other campers and a host of truck drivers...I tried taking a picture but the lighting was crappy.  Walmart camping seems to be quite popular.

Leave Big Bend NP - 10:20 am
Rte. 118N►90W►10W
Gas - Stripes - Alpine, TX - $2.29/gal
Gas - Shell - Fabens, TX (exit 48) - $2.05/gal
Arrive Deming, NM Walmart (exit 82B off I10) - 6:04 pm/7:04 pm (time change)

While driving I watched the most incredible sunset that I have ever seen.  It was so mesmerizing, I was a bit distracted while driving.  This was in New Mexico....although it was my only experience in NM, I'm in love with the state and I can't wait until we have an opportunity to go back.  We may head to Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge on our way back to VT.  The refuge is a big birding area and is located in San Antonio, NM, just south of Albuquerue.

Big Bend Pictures - Scenic Drive/Canyon Hike

Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive


The white mounds above are tuffs, formed by volcanic ash.
Two peaks on the right are called Mule Ears.

Santa Elana Canyon Hike


Big Bend Pictures - Desert Hike

Hot Springs Canyon Trail



Big Bend - Spectacular!

Thursday - Tuesday, December 8-13, 2016

The night was very cold and extremely windy.  We woke up and took care of our business and got ourselves ready to go.  A lesson was learned at this stop...don't leave the fridge hooked up to the dc battery, as it drains all of the power.  We woke up to a dead battery in our car...not a good start to the day, for sure.

Knowing that once we were in the park there would be little access to the outside so I made sure I texted my sisters and the kids just in case they tried to reach us.  I also picked up last minute groceries at Walmart and we made sure we filled up the tank with gas right before getting into the park.

That weather followed us to Big Bend National Park. I had fallen asleep while Wilson was driving and when I woke up it was almost white outside.  The ground was frosted over.  The frost did not continue but it was a surprise for us as we expected temperatures of around 65°-70°.  We arrive at the Rio Grande Villages Campground to set up in camp in the cold and wind...we actually kept the heat on in the camper.

We spent three nights at the Rio Grande Villages and then moved on to the Chisos Mountain Basin Campground ($14/night Senior Pass price $7/night) where we spent another two nights.  Our time here was incredible!  Wilson and I spent some time by ourselves which was a good thing.  Travelling the way we have can feel a bit stifling at times and personal time is something that we need to be more cognizant of.  We also need to recognize that even though we are on the road all of the the things that we carried with us prior to taking off are still with us....this stop has been good for us for a variety of reasons.

Views from Rio Grande Camp - Sierra Del Carmen Mountains:


If someone thinks that there isn't beauty or life in the desert they are completely wrong.  I love this park!  There is beauty everywhere that we look....even after walking in the desert for hours I still was able to see the beauty.  While here we did a few different hikes and a scenic drive through the park. We had our longest hike here, 6 miles (round trip).  Our goal was a hot spring, where we soaked for an hour, adjacent to the Rio Grande, prior to turning back.  It felt good to have been able to complete this.  We also took a little hike to the Santa Elana Canyon, which was breathtaking!

At this park we were warned about the wildlife again.  We did see a coyote on our drive in and Javelinas (they look like wild boar, but are more closely related to a rhinoceros) in the campground, roadrunners, and jack rabbits.  We didn't see any bears, big horned sheep, or mountain lions....although everything is basically beige and tan so I'm not sure that they weren't there and we didn't see them :)

I took a lot of pictures so will devote the next post or two to just those.

Leave Kerrville Walmart 8:34 am
Rte. 27W►10W►385S
Gas - Love's $1.89/gal (exit 385S to the park)
Arrive Big Bend, Rio Grande Campground -3:30 pm
Miles traveled - 400

Monday, December 12, 2016

Walmart Camping in Kerrville, TX

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

A great visit with Gai, John, & our furry friends.  We reworked the van, condensing several things, repositioning things we need access to.  We also were infested with those bugs that look like lady bugs which got into Alex when we arrived in Palestine...they were swarming like took quite a bit of time to get rid of most of them, using a broom & vacuum....John got my bike back up and running and he and Wilson did something with our bike rack in the hopes that it will stop loosening.

We're heading to Big Bend National Park next, but it will take two driving days to get when in doubt check out the Walmarts....

We went through Austin and it has an energy that I was really feeling...I can't wait until we head back through so that we can visit the city.

Leave Palestine 1:18 pm
Rte. 315S►155S►79S►35►209►16S►27
Gas - Kroger in Palestine - $1.83/gal (with our Kroeger's card)
Gas - Fredricksburg (rte. 16) - $1.89/gal
Arrive Kerrville, TX - 8:44 pm
Miles Traveled - 303.5

Explosion of Christmas lights through the towns near route 209
We traveled the Pearl Harbor Memorial  Hwy - makes perfect sense given the date :)
Last minute groceries bought at Walmart - once we get into the park there will be limited options

A Second Visit to Dallas

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Back to Dallas to pick Gai & John up at the airport.  We had hoped to visit my second cousin...or is it my cousin once removed (my cousin's daughter)...Colleen, but didn't reach her.  Instead Wilson and I went downtown and walked a little bit, despite the wind.  We went to Pioneer Park where we went through the old cemetery (I love old cemeteries), viewed a statue depicting several key civil war generals and lastly we ran with the bulls....



A Visit to Dallas

Thursday, December 1, 2016

First of all....Happy Birthday Georgeanne!

We took Gai & John to the airport in Dallas which allowed us to make plans for a day in the city.  We first met up with one our son's college friends for lunch.  Wilson and I looked forward to seeing Skaras while in Dallas.  We had lunch at the Pecan Lodge, which according to Skaras has the best brisket in Dallas.  They regularly have lines waiting to get in and have been highlighted on the Food Network show Diners, Drivc-ins, & Dives.  The restaurant is located in the neighborhood of E. Dallas called Deep Ellum.  This area is composed largely of arts and entertainment venues. Below you can find photos of me me waiting in line :), Deep Ellum signage, and Wilson, Skaras, & Wilson a parking meter station....don't ask...ok, I'll tell you - The parking lots state that you need to prepay.  In New Orleans one could prepay via the internet, so we thought that was what prepay meant...of course it didn't, it just meant that you park then enter your space into the meter and pay for however long you wanted to have it....all day for $, cheap, cheap (slightly more expense as you get closer to the heart of the city)....of course it took Skaras to explain this to us, as we originally parked at a street meter which was $0.25/half hour - you can see that it was much more economical to park in a lot...I'm not sure that I like admitting that little piece or not :) -- Of course, this doesn't explain why the phot is upside down....

After lunch Wilson and I walked downtown to Dealy Plaza with Skaras.  Once here, Skaras left us to our own devices.  We spent a couple hours at the Sixth Floor Museum located in the famous book depository building where Lee Harvey Oswald is said to have shot President John F. Kennedy (admission $16/adult, $14/senior) - ....The museum is self-guided with the use of a recorded headset combination.  It's filled with many artifacts, pictures, videos, narratives, etc.  If you have any interest in the assignation of JFK, this is definitely a must see.  It gives a different perspective not only of the tragedy that unfolded here, but of the landscape of it all.  For example, the grassy knoll is much closer to the actual site than I thought and is definitely smaller than I envisioned.

JFK Museum at the Book Depository
6th Floor - Check out the window, it's open just as it was found on November 22, 1963


A couple more pictures of downtown Dallas....what is the giant eyeball all about?  We just wandered upon it...but I looked it up online and apparently it's just a whimsical piece of art from artist Tony Tasset.  It's modeled after his own bloodshot eye and beyond that has no other significance other than he wanted to make something awesome!


New Friends - - Palestine, TX

Monday, November 28 - Wednesday, December 7, 2016

We arrived at our second pet/housesitting gig (I'm not exactly sure what to call it..I keep thinking I should call it a job, but it's not a job at all, it's (so far) pure pleasure).  From here on on out, I'm going to call it a gig even though it has nothing to do with any type of performance.  Any way, we actually had two days with Gai & John before they left, which was not only nice for us to get to know the four cats (Molly, Alfie, Skye, & Yuki) but also for the cats and Gai & John to get to know us.  

As this is only the second time we have been trusted housesitters (based on the site), I wasn't exactly sure what to expect.  I'm sure that every time will be different which is part of what makes doing this interesting.  This time I felt, right from the beginning, comfortable. Gai and John made us feel so welcome.  By the time they left for their trip I felt as if they were old friends and that we were able to enjoy each others company with ease.

Molly is the most approachable cat.  Here we are getting better acquainted.
Gai, John, Patty & Wilson
Leave Isle of Capri 9:25 am
Rte. 379W►27N►110(NorW??)►63►69N►343W►256 loop
Gas - Huntington on rte. 69 - $1.99/gal
Arrive Palestine, TX 2:26 pm
Miles Traveled - 222.9
General travel notes/conversation topics - 
  • You can drive fast in Texas - 70, 75, sometimes even 80...Alex can only go 65ish...It's hard for me to be the slow poke, especially after years of being driven crazy by slow drivers :)
  • What is the definition of a secondary road? (a road supplementing the main road, usually wide enough for two-way, all-weather traffic at moderate or slow speeds (yeah, 70 or 75 in TX)
  • Do orphanages still exist? - Question came up after driving by a sign for the Methodist Children's Home - decision was we didn't think so based on the belief that the foster system has taken it's place, more people looking to adopt, and less of a stigma of being a single parent.
  • It's raining cats & dogs...everything really is BIGGER in TX
  • What is the creosote that is used in telephone poles and such?
  • Why do TX liquor and convenience stores have tip jars on their counters?

Monday, December 5, 2016

Casino "Camping" - Isle of Capri Hotel & Casino - St. Charles, LA

November 27-28, 2016

Getting to where we were going in Texas was going to take two days to drive.  What to do? What to do?  Find a casino that allows you to set up in their parking lot at "no charge", of course.  We found such a place in St. Charles, LA, which was about half way to our end destination of Palestine, TX. Of course when you stay at a casino, it's not really free, but it could fact they could pay you for staying if you end up winning.  Sadly this was not the case.  I would say that the "cost" was reasonable, especially after the $30 free play in slots ($15 for each of us), by signing up for their players card.  We also had a delicious breakfast buffet here.  Mondays is 50+ day and we got the buffet $5.55 each.  It's about time that I get to cash in on growing older!

Wilson and I just stayed in the parking lot without any type of camping services.  If "roughing it" isn't your thing, this casino/hotel actually has electric hook-ups for campers which costs about $20/night - this includes use of their inside pool, fitness room, and of course showers.

As we journeyed to St. Charles we stopped to have our first Popeye's lunch (Houma, LA). I've seen the commercials on tv and wanted to see what the "Louisiana Kitchen" had to offer.  I thought it was going to be mostly seafood, but in fact I think their thing is really fried chicken.  We had a chicken combo (dark meat) and a fried shrimp po'boy (for those of you that don't know what that is, it's basically a sub, hoagie, whatever you may call a sandwich on a long bun :)) - We washed it all down with a Dr. Pepper.  Dr. P is big down here and I've had more in the last month then I've had in probably 20 years. I've forgotten how good it was.  Our next chain meal will more than likely be from a Sonic, which are everywhere down here.

Leave Grand Isle, LA - 10:45 am
Rte. 90W - this is the only route number I noted, I believe it's the only road we were on...just to mention, this part of route 90 sucks! - The road surfaces leave little to be desired, as they are loud, creating an annoying da dum, da dum, da dum that stays in your brain, long after you are past that section of the road.  If not da dumming, the road is creating a motion that I can describe in two ways - following the motion of a ship caught in choppy waters, or the old adage of "Don't come a knocking if the van is rockin" (That 70's show in case you don't get the reference)....anyway, I hope you get the picture.
Arrive Lake Charles, Isle of Capri Casino - 4:54 pm
Miles travelled - 261.2

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Grand Isle State Park - Louisiana - Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday - Sunday, November 23-27, 2016
It's time to meet up with Michelle & Tom, our new camper friends from NH, at Grand Isle State Park. We met Michelle & Tom at Dauphin Island and they were the ones to tell us about Grand Isle.  They remind me a little bit of Maryanne & Jeffrey, my sister and brother-in-law.

We took a ferry across the Mighty Mississippi, Alex's first ferry ride.  Wilson was also excited by this ride because we were able to cross for free due to his now advanced age :)  There are some perks to growing old....I may have already said that previously, but really we must keep reminding ourselves of them.

Again, the cost of the campground is $20/night.  The sites are lined up in a row, with a little green space between them, but really no sense of privacy.  What is really nice is that they are all pull through sites, making it easier to park Alex.  What is really not nice is that the place is swarming with mosquitoes. In fact they were spraying something to try to control them, which can't really be good for us.

We had our first social gathering with Michelle & Tom in our Clam (canopy).  Jim Beam, wine, cheese, pepperoni, & crackers, veggies & dip, and pretzels.  Nothing fancy, but it was nice....that is until they started spraying and Michelle was concerned about her cat, which she had left outside.  We went to put her back in the their camper and came upon another cat attacking their cat...Michelle was understandably shaken, but I think the cat will be fine.  She has a bit of a limp but no puncture wounds.  Needless to say our evening was cut short.

We spent our Thanksgiving here.  We had a rotisserie chicken (bought), mashed potatoes (instant), stuffing (Stove-Top), gravy (packet), brussel sprouts, and sweet potato (both of which I actually cooked). As you can see from my plate, I think we did pretty well.  It was delicious too!
I thought that the holiday would be difficult but it really wasn't, at least for me.  I'm exactly where I want to be and am thankful for that.  I'm thankful for my family as well, but as I continue to say, life changes.  This holiday not only affects my sisters, brother-in-laws, and kids it also affected my Uncle Tom and Burke cousins, as they always came to VT for Thanksgiving.  New traditions are being made.  I spoke to both kids and all three of my sisters.  In fact, when I spoke to Theresa she mentioned that this was the first family holiday that she has ever hosted at her house...I didn't really think about it in those terms as we've always celebrated at my mother's house (even after her passing). I think she was excited to host.

While here we also went for a drive to explore the area.  There really isn't much here although I think it is a very touristy area.  I think most people come here to fish on the Gulf of Mexico.  We've seen a lot of regular folks fishing, as well as commercial fishing boats.
While on our little trip we did see a couple of dolphins and a pelican eating fish guts thrown into the marina by the fisherman.  Of course by the time I got close enough to take a video the pelican was gone and the dolphins were not as visible....but if you look closely you'll see one surface.
Just to give you a bit of an idea of delta environment I took the following video as we crossed the Leeville Toll Bridge ($3.50 car $4.50 car & trailer).  This bridge must have been about 8 miles long.

Leave St. Bernard - 10:15 am (Wilson picked up gas at Walmart in St. Bernard Parrish before leaving $2.74/gal)
Rte. 39S►3137►Ferry Ride - Plaquemines Pride)►428W (La Palco Blvd.- to avoid New Orleans traffic)►90W►1S - 1/2 Hour stop at Walmart in Raceland, LA to pick up groceries (really not a bad place to shop) prior to going over the toll bridge
Arrive Grand Isle - 2:30 pm
Miles traveled - Approx. 140-150 - I'm a Slacker, I didn't write it down.....again

St. Bernard State Park - Louisiana

Sunday - Wednesday, November 20 - 23, 2016
Life in the city was a lot of fun, but like all good things it must end.  We splurged while we were there, staying at a hotel and eating out.  We certainly spent more than our daily budget while there, so it was time to move back to the camper.

We had made reservation online for a three night stay at the St. Bernard State Park, not far from New Orleans.  The park was so darn sweet, I could have stayed easily stayed longer.  It wasn't crowded at all and the sites were spread out in a way that it didn't feel cramped.  In fact, our spot had a very big green space attached to it.  The only downfall was that the parking space was under some sort of black acorn tree (or would that be oak tree?) and the damn things would drop on the camper creating a very loud sound..almost like someone threw a ball at us.  We've experienced these trees throughout our journey.  Camping here costs $20/night.

There is a little nature trail here at the campground that we walked.  There were a lot of mosquitoes, but we managed ok.  Dealing them was worth it when we came across an armadillo.  We saw him clearly, but he did his best to hide once he came upon us.  We weren't able to get a good picture, but see if you can find him in the larger picture below.  If you can't, I've added a smaller picture where I've outlined him (freehand no less :)) which might help you see him.  The tail is the most visible piece to me.

While here we took a day trip to explore the delta, going as far as the road would allow.  We ended up in Venice, LA.  The Delta National Wildlife Refuge is located there, unfortunately you can only get to it with a boat.  We did see quite a bit of bird activity.


Did you see the fish that the bird had up in the tree?  Pretty cool!

We stopped at Fort Jackson (Civil War), a long forgotten fort that is for the most part a pile of bricks. The fort is surrounded by wire fence so we didn't get to go in.  It may be open during the summer, it's hard to know, but even if it is there isn't much to see (researching fort I found out it was hit hard by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which badly damaged and destroyed many of the exhibits and left the site structurally damaged after sitting in water for six weeks).  There was a Visitor Center as well which was closed. Of course there were some other things there that we saw including a plaque commemorating the location of the first Mardi Gras across the river from the fort in what was called Bayou Mardi Gras back in 1699.  There was also a monument commemorating Cavelier La Salle (1640-1687), a very early explorer of this region. The pictures below show the monument progressively closer.  Check out the large ship on the Mississippi and Wilson's ode to the Seinfield episode where he was just itching his nose in the car...No disrespect was intended in the publications of these photos :)


While driving we were seeing signs for Satsuma and Boudin at the little roadside stands.  We finally stopped at one to see what they were advertising.  A satsuma is a citrus fruit that is sort of like a clementine.  The peel is very loose and there are little to no seeds.  We bought a few of them along with some Kirby Cucumbers to snack on.  The stand we stopped at did not have Boudin, but we were told it was a type of sausage that basically combines sausage with a Cajun rice mixture placed into the sausage casing.  We found some while grocery shopping and Wilson grilled it up.  It was interesting for sure.

Leave New Orleans - 12:30 pm
Rte. 90E►I10E►39S►46►39S
Arrive St. Bernard State Park 1:20 pm
Miles Traveled - Approx. 40 (I forgot to write it down)