Friday, February 23, 2018

REAL Time - Tyrendarra Agricultural Show

February 10, 2018
(real time with all good intentions, but published two weeks after 😞)

Today we went to the Tyrendarra Agricultural Show with Lou and Isabel, our neighbors.  We are fortunate to have such nice people so close by.  We really enjoy our time with Lou & Isabel, whether we're taking a drive or just chatting over a cuppa (cup of tea or coffee).

The Agricultural Show is sort of like Field Days at home.  There was so much to see and do. We began by stopping by a little "petting zoo", which include a couple of ponies, guinea pigs, an alpaca, and a few sheep.We walked around the grounds spying equestrian events (dressage, pony judging, a children's parade which had young people dressed up in costume along with their pony sometimes), cattle judging, and judging of vegetables, baked goods, and art pieces. Everywhere we went there was always someone who wanted to stop and talk with Lou & Isabel.



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