Friday, January 5, 2018

Chicago in Pictures - High above the city

The Chicago skyline is very distinctive, highlighting some of the tallest buildings in the world. 

The Willis Tower, formerly known as the Sears Tower, is amongst the tallest buildings in the world (1,451 ft.).  It was for many years the tallest, but continues to fall down the list as more and more designs are moving skyward.  It ranks second in the United States only after One Trade Center in New York (1,776 ft.).


The Willis Tower has a glass extension at the top viewing area, where you can walk out on it and feel as if you are suspended over the city.

The Hancock Center at 1,128 ft. is no shorty.  It ranks within the top 100.  Of course many of these buildings have antenna and there are a number of different ranking lists, some that include the antenna and other that don't.  The Hancock Center is a mixed use building, incorporating apartments and businesses along with the observation deck - 360 Chicago.

It was less crowded at 360 Chicago than it was a the Willis Tower.  I'm not exactly sure why but it was a whole lot easier to appreciate the views without so many people milling around.  If one thinks standing over the city on a piece of glass is cool, they'll surely think tilting over the city is even cooler.  For an additional charge you can stand in a glass enclosure and be tilted over the city.  It's not a long period of time but it seemed to give those who did it a real head rush.


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