Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Last days in Sydney

Other than day trips into the city we stayed pretty close to home with the girls.  As I’m sure that I’ve mentioned before, when you’re traveling so much it’s nice to have “nesting” time…at least for me.  Jess and Sasha were both good company and they seemed comfortable with us right from the start.  Sasha has diabetes so needed a shot twice a day which she was so good about.  This was the first time that I’ve had to give shots to a pet so it was nice to get the experience and gain the confidence in giving them with such an easy going girl.

Ann and Clive return on the 26th and Wilson and I have an early flight to Melbourne on the 27th.  We had a going away dinner at a Lebanese restaurant in Parametta which was so delicious.  Being half Lebanese myself I found this dinner to be comforting.  Many of the items that we had were made much the same way that my mother made them.  The meal was for the most part eaten with our hands and/or using pita bread as a means of getting the food from the plate to our mouths.  I ordered a side of raw Kibbe which was made with lamb.  Traditionally Kibbe is made with lamb but I’ve only ever had it with beef, so I had to try it.  Although the lamb was good, my preference lies with the beef.

We've had a wonderful time in Sydney and have made four new friends (two of which are the two-legged variety).  Ann & Clive have already made a plan to visit us in Port Fairy, which is our next stop in Australia.  

November 27 - Early flight to Melbourne → Bus from Airport to Train Station → Train to Warrnambool, VIC → Bus to Port Fairy, VIC

Our house sit doesn't start until November 30th so we have rented an AirBnB apartment in the heart of Port Fairy.  Port Fairy isn't very big (population of approximately 3,000), so it's not difficult to find a spot in the heart 😃.  We spend the first days getting acquainted with the town and visiting the house sit to go over instructions.  Port Fairy is a very quaint village.  It would definitely be considered a tourist town, however, I would say they cater to the Australian tourist not the out-of-country tourist.  Many of the people who visit here are from the Melbourne area which is about 3-1/2 hours away.  They put on a huge folk festival in March which brings in 10x the normal population of the town.

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