Monday, November 14, 2016

Another Carolinnnnnna ... First Down!

Saturday, November 5, 2016
The University of South Carolina is here in Columbia and the people here love their Gamecocks!  We spent the day with Stephen, Sandra, Michael, Heather, and a few friends tailgating and at the big game - South Carolina vs. was nice to be there and especially nice because USC won the game.  Football down here is like a religion I think, based on how many people showed up to the game and to tailgate all around the stadium.  Amazing all that goes on and the expense of the stadium which hosts only seven games this year...but as I said football is big...

I got caught up in the moment, hollering First Down! when the announcer prompted us with "Another Carolinnnnna", after each first down made.  I also hollered Game! when prompted by the cheerleaders followed by the other side of the stadium hollering Cocks!  I think it may be the only place that I've ever been that it was ok to say that word so many times in one outing :)  Don't even get me started about waving the white can ask Wilson about that, as I waved it in his face more than once...Why I even saw myself on the big game much cooler can it get!

All in all it was a fantastic day!

Tailgating Party!

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