Monday, November 14, 2016

Columbia Reflections - Farewell

November 14, 2016
Today we will leave Columbia and head toward New Orleans.  I even believe that we will stay in our first Walmart parking lot tonight :)

Columbia is a great city!  It is easy to get around and there is so much to do.  It's a college town for sure and I usually don't like college towns -- I have never liked all the teeny boppers, even when I was considered one....imagine how I might feel as a middle aged woman :)  Although the city is defined a great deal by the university it is more than that.  Culturally you can enjoy concerts, traveling broadway plays and all of the other things a larger city has to offer.  The thing that sets Columbia apart, in my experience, is that feels inclusive.  I say this specifically around my experiences around the university activities...for a week I was a Gamecock.  Even when I was going to UVM I never felt a part of that school experience.  There is a passion here that is infectious and I was very happy to have been infected by it, even for a short time.

If only it was by the ocean......I could see myself living here.

Goodbye Columbia, I'll miss you!

Capitol Building
Representation of Slave Boat
Star represents Cannon Shell from Civil War

A Horse's Ass :)

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