Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Remember the Alamo!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day!

Again, it was supposed to rain in Austin, but San Antonio was scheduled to be off to San Anotonio we go.

I have been told by many people that the Alamo was a bit disapointing because it was an old fort surrounded by and engulfed by the city of San Antonio.  This was not my experience...yes, the city surrounds it, but the fort was well preserved and did not feel as if it was lost within the city.

I always wanted to go to the Alamo.  I've read about it and seen movies about it and it is just is one of those places that I wanted to see.  The displays were well done and the site was interesting and I would not have missed it for the world.  Was it how I pictured it, not really, but still a site to see.

After the Alamo we walked along the River Walk.  This is a nice spot to stroll along the waterway filled with shops and restaurants.  It was a very developed walk along the river, much different than others that we have walked.  We had lunch and then decided to leave San Antonio.  Although San Antonio is nice, it just didn't have the energy that I felt in Austin and didn't really feel like exploring more than we least at this point in time.

One thing to note - Wilson is big on directions and environmental landmarks such as mountains and rivers. He was continually confused by people talking about the Colorado River at different areas because it didn't make sense....The reference of the Colorado River was something that kept coming up that was confusing...but thankfully, we found out that there are two Colorado Rivers (One that separates California and Arizona and one that flows through Texas).....phew, what a relief!  Can you tell, I could care less about directional things, in fact, I have a mind block about it, which I think perplexs Wilson...oh well, it sort of goes along with my issues of time :)

Check out the Crocket Hotel in the background and of course my selfie with Fess Parker, the Davy Crocket of my childhood....King of the wild frontier with his coonskin hat..


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